Muscle Wall


Today I found a really cool retaining barrier that is made in Utah.  Muscle Wall is a retaining wall that is made up of 6 ft x 4 ft barriers that can do just about anything when it comes to containing large quantities of water, gas, oil or other substances.  I was amazed at how well the Muscle Wall does it job. website had a lot of written information and a few videos about the basic functions and effectiveness of the barricades.  When set up properly, this thing can handle everything you can throw at it.

Muscle Wall is made of low-density polyethylene.  This is an extremely durable material.  The website has one video where water is frozen inside of a barrier and then a guy beats the barrier with a sledge hammer and there is absolutely no shattering or even cracking of the barrier.  Many experiments were carried out by the Utah Water Research Laboratory to test the seepage rate, overflow performance, wave performance, impact performance, and sliding performance of the Muscle Wall.  All tests confirmed the strong construction of the wall.  It had a seepage rate of 0.0013 inches/feet/minute.  There were no seen effects from the overturn performance, wave performance and impact performance tests.  Those tests proved that the barricade will not be affected if it is to hold water to the top and waves and impacts will not cause separation of the pieces.

The barricades come completely equipped on their own special trailer.  The trailer can hold up to 72 barricade sections and has its own hose and pump.  This would be work for so many purposes.  You could use it in construction, farm work, flood prevention, pretty much you name it the Muscle Wall can do it.