A Great Place to Start


Now that things have calmed down a little, I’m able to take some time to learn a little more about going green. Let me tell you, the more you learn, the less you know!

I found a great site earlier today called greenbuilding.com. Now, I hope I’ve made it abundantly clear that I am an extreme novice when it comes to this sort of thing. All the same, greenbuilding.com has a lot to offer. The homepage has a mock-houseplan that provides a lot of helpful and practical information about making each part of your home just a little greener.

I always thought that a true green homeplan would have all sorts of photovoltaic panels and other super-expensive space-age gadgetry, but greenbuilding.com explains that green building is more concerned with adapting the design to the environment than adapting the environment to the design.

Adapting your homeplan is a lot easier than it sounds! It involves a little bit of thought and a deep working knowledge of the local climate, but by putting forth just a little more effort and using some common sense, your home can save money and the environment.

I also found it very interesting how much attention is paid to your personal health. Up until now, I thought that green building was all about conserving energy and non-renewable materials. It really is, but green building also keeps a keen eye on improving health conditions by reducing indoor air-pollution, etc. I was also surprised to see that there are very traceable beginnings to the Green Movement as early as 1973.

In all, I was very impressed with what I saw. You should really check it out!