A Springtime Reminder


It’s getting to be that time of year again — Although the mountains are still covered with it, the snow has all melted down here in the valleys; the songbirds are returning to brighten each new morning; the sun has decided to show her face a little more frequently; and tender green blades are beginning to peek up through the matted brown grass and leaves leftover from last fall. Yup, springtime is just around the corner! Soon we’ll start seeing buds on the trees, then a few leaves here and there, and suddenly everything will explode with blossoms and color.

It’s also time to start your spring cleaning. While you’re at it, you might want to consider renting a rototiller for the weekend. You’d be surprised at how much value a garden can add to your home — not to mention the satisfaction that comes from helping something grow. And who can say “no” to a homegrown tomato? Seriously.

At any rate, I’ll be busy getting my hands dirty this weekend!