An Informal Intro


If there is actually someone out there that really reads these blogs, I feel like I need to explain a few things. Woody and Engjake are two of my good friends. I have worked with them both for over a year now. They started this blog as a place where they could discuss their love of green home design with anyone who would listen.

Well, earlier this year, Woody had some really great opportunities open up elsewhere. He is now working to make his dream of becoming an influential green interior designer a reality, but before he left, I agreed to take up his post here at

I hope you don’t mind if I give you a little bit of an introduction about myself. I sort of stumbled into the world of residential design when I began working. I didn’t know the first thing about home design when I first started. I’m still not what you’d call a professional residential design consultant, but I have learned a lot about the industry during my time here.

I’ve also never really been too interested in this whole “green” movement (please forgive me). Don’t get me wrong — I love the environment. I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend than to go out adventuring in the beautiful mountains here in Northern Utah. I do my best with my meager funds to make the environment a better place to live for me and for future generations. I’ve just never had much exposure to the “greener” side of things.

Working with Woody really opened my eyes to a lot of sustainable and practical options. So whether you’re like me and you’re new to the green way of life, or you’ve been fighting for the green cause since the beginning, please feel free to comment. Criticism is great, and compliments are even better. I’m just now starting my journey into a greener lifestyle, so please let me know what you think. Thanks!


(P.S. I’ll try to include more info about House Plans. This blog is called!)