Concrete Panel Homes


Well, it’s been a bit since i have posted here. I’m cursed with recurring kidney stones. We’re trying to figure out what is causing them, but when they start moving, it’s incredibly painful. Hence, I missed several days of work, and have been playing catch up.

I was just reading an interesting article this morning on the Home Builder Association website about pre-fab concrete panel homes. I would imagine it is fairly expensive to do around here, but it is something I would like to check into. Apparently they are very efficient since the walls are thick, dense and can hold in warmth or cold. The drawback – that I can see – is that the average joe will have a hard time making repairs if needed or re-routing wiring or plumbing. In the standard construction method of 2×4’s and drywall, it is fairly easy to tackle for the weekend warrior. Still, overseas most homes seem to be built of concrete because it is so available to everyone. This is definately something that we will likely see more of in the future. Check out the NAHB article here:

Prefab Concrete Homes

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I'm Ann and as everyone who know me will tell you... I am obsessed by all things related to house plans, home design, and home building / remodeling. Having spent too many years writing, reviewing and editing on subjects related to the house and home for more "traditional" media, I decided to join the blogosphere with this site. Over my career, I have devoted countless hours on such subjects as residential architecture, house plans, home design, interior decorating, home construction and home remodeling. In my spare time, I enjoy gardening and genealogy-related research.