Make a Few Extra Bucks and Save the World


With the economy still on a rebound, the house building industry has been pretty slow.  Not too many people want to risk building a home and end up with a huge loan and no way to pay it off.  Building your own home is one of the biggest thrills but it does have a lot of stress sometimes.  I have heard lots of people say it’s a lot easier to spend the “founding years” of adult life in an apartment. Once you’re set, then you can think about building a home.  This might just be what the construction industry needs.

If more people that are better off financially constructed multi-units and rented them out all the people starting off could have an affordable place to stay, the owners would be making a few extra bucks and contractors could keep their businesses going. It’s a win-win-win situation.  Everyone gets what they want and we slowly work our way out of this financial bind.

Now, I know you’re saying to yourself, “that sounds good and all, but nothing is ever that simple.”  I must agree, most thinks are easier said than done.  There are still a few loopholes in this theory. If you do your homework and know what you’re doing before you dive in headfirst, you can succeed.  The Plan Collection has lots of affordable multi-units that could fit in any lot. You would just have to locate the spot and find out what style would fit best in that area.

Multu-Unit Plan 142-1037

Multi-unit construction could be a step towards better economy

While I was looking online, I saw lots of duplexes that would fit in almost any lot.  They came in all different styles and you could personalize them exactly how you want.  I even saw a couple stacked complexes.  They had 3 or 4 apartments with one stacked on top of the other.  You really can have any design in your apartment complex.

We all want to see the economy bounce back and they only way it will is if we work together.  This could be just a baby step in the long journey back to financial stability.