New blog about house plans.


Welcome to our blog about house plans and home building. I hope you’ll come back and visit often and share your ideas about home building with us. Having built many homes myself, and being invloved in the industry for years; I thought a blog about the subject might help others looking to build their own home or just looking for ideas.

Next articleThe Glidehouse
I'm Ann and as everyone who know me will tell you... I am obsessed by all things related to house plans, home design, and home building / remodeling. Having spent too many years writing, reviewing and editing on subjects related to the house and home for more "traditional" media, I decided to join the blogosphere with this site. Over my career, I have devoted countless hours on such subjects as residential architecture, house plans, home design, interior decorating, home construction and home remodeling. In my spare time, I enjoy gardening and genealogy-related research.