Vote Green


As we all know, our economy hasn’t not been the hottest lately. With frequent changes in the stock market and large fluctuation in oil prices Congressmen are in constant search of a solution. The economic stimulus packages were supposed to be the answer to our problems. These, however, have done little to solve the country’s dilemma.

One idea that has been passed around for years with lukewarm reception is to invest in green industries. Many thought this would only worsen the situation but new light is being shed on how much it really could help. Not only would changes in this direction help our economy rebound, there would also be less of a dependency on fossil-fuel.

The green industry has so much potential right now. Many of the buildings throughout any city in America are aged and were constructed without knowledge of what they would do to the environment and how they would cause such a dependency on recyclable materials. If the government were to spend money on boosting efforts to update these we would get more jobs for the estimated 400,000 construction workers that will be without a job this year. This appears to be one of the smartest areas for Congress to expand funding. To put money in the green sector, the country would gain one of the biggest growths in jobs.