Why so Big?


So my little girls love to watch this show on ABC called “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” Some of you may have heard about it. The idea behind the show is great, and it’s really neat to see people’s lives changed for the better. But i wonder sometimes if they go a little overboard with the homes. I know there is probably a lot network politics, influences to keep ratings, and advertisers probably determine some things as well.

Some of these families have had terrible tragedies, others are destitute, and some are both. I wonder if building them a smaller, nice home that was equipped with solar panels and/or other systems to make the home and family self sufficient might be better than just building them a huge home. A huge home comes with huge heating bills, power bills, higher taxes, more maintenance etc. Would it be better to help the family out by providing a nice home that is low on maintenance, taxes and energy costs be better for the family in the long term?

Just some thoughts for anyone at ABC that may read this [doubtful]. Either way, it’s a neat program and wonderful that they are able to help so many families in need. And I guess many of them now have fund raisers to help pay off the mortgage, or help give the family a nest egg to help them out in the future. And, if the homes weren’t as big and spacious, the ratings might not be as good. Still, i’d like to see them build a modest, modern and self sufficient home for someone, sometime.

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I'm Ann and as everyone who know me will tell you... I am obsessed by all things related to house plans, home design, and home building / remodeling. Having spent too many years writing, reviewing and editing on subjects related to the house and home for more "traditional" media, I decided to join the blogosphere with this site. Over my career, I have devoted countless hours on such subjects as residential architecture, house plans, home design, interior decorating, home construction and home remodeling. In my spare time, I enjoy gardening and genealogy-related research.